Web Analytics & Reporting

One of the key ways to determine whether your business is making progress or is underperforming in certain aspects is by tracking your digital marketing efforts.

KME’s web analytics and reporting team uses industry-leading tools to measure your leads and determine which aspects of your business’s website draw your audience. Our custom reporting, proactiveness, and responsiveness help us detect how your business could improve and grow.

Person sitting in front of pie charts and graphs

What Can We Do?

Identify Trends

Record trends based on seasonality, annual comparisons, and user behavior flow through:

Call Tracking

Track calls coming from different channels, such as:

Utilize Analytics Dashboard

With Google Data Studio (or DataBox if using HubSpot and Google Analytics) we can:

Event Tracking

Track user behavior and interactions with your site including:

HeatMap Website Analytics

We offer businesses the resources to understand their clients’ behavior and determine user experience improvements. Our web analytics and reporting experts employ heatmaps to learn how users interact with websites. In particular, heatmaps provide our clients with precise metrics and percentages, which can strengthen the connection a business makes with its audience and drive success. Our heatmap services include:

Click Map

Where do users click and why? For instance, blog content readers click on blog images to enlarge them. In learning this point, we can better understand users’ desires and adjust a website accordingly.

Scroll Map

Are users interacting with all the content aon a page? Scroll maps help us determine that detail. Moreover, we customize our advertising services to drive your business to the forefront as well as track all digital marketing campaigns that require no spend minimums or percentage fees. 

People analyzing charts

Learn more about KME's Web Analytics & Reporting Services